SGA Spirit Week Day Infographic

As the 2022 BDCHS “Homecoming in Hollywood” approaches, the Phoenix Student Government Association (SGA) invites students to dress up according to Spirit Days leading up to homecoming dance (Oct. 24th-28th):

Monday, Country vs Country Club: choose to dress in one of two categories, country (e.g., boots, jeans, plaid), or “country club”, donning preppy clothes (e.g., tennis and golf wear, collared shirts) 

Tuesday: Dynamic “Twosday”: grab a friend and go as your favorite pair or group

Wednesday, Jersey Day: sport your favorite athletic jersey, or Jersey Shore apparel

Thursday, Throwback Thursday: dress in apparel resembling the past decades

Friday, Class Colors: Students are encouraged to dress up in accordance to their class:

  • Freshmen: Gold

  • Sophomores: Garnet

  • Juniors: White

  • Seniors: Black

In similar news, homecoming tickets can be purchased during student lunches throughout the weeks leading up to homecoming.