Salerno trains student during weightlifting club

Let’s pump it up for Coach Salerno, who was featured on ABC Action News on Wednesday. In the story, he discusses how he inspires students to stay active. 

Salerno was thrilled to be featured on the news. He loves teaching children how to live a healthier lifestyle and the “importance of being active.” Coach hopes that with his story he has reached both the students and residents of Tampa Bay.

As many know, Salerno proudly served in the Army, where he lost his leg, taking a toll on him both physically and mentally. At his lowest, he found hope in a sweaty place we call the gym. At the gym, he found hope for the future and happiness within the weights. Coach Salerno hopes that he can help his students find the same joy in his weightlifting club.

Salerno attributes his success to a growth mindset, which can help students and adults alike. “Having a growth mindset means you are always learning,” Salerno said. “It makes you take everything in perspective; it’s 100% important especially for the students here.”

Coach also shared that his favorite piece of equipment is the trap bar deadlifts. He has set his own goal to set 405 lbs by the end of the year. He encourages others to set goals and take small daily strides to reach their own. 

Here’s a link to the interview: