On Saturday January 20th, our schools Future Health Professionals chapter (HOSA) participated in their Winter Leadership Conference (WLC). Members competed in various health related competitions; for example, Addison Cuasay and Simeon Jordan competed in Health Career Display. For their competition, the pair had to create a presentation surrounding Orthopedic Surgeons. Rosalie Anderson and Reagan Walker competed in this category as well, researching psychologists and placing 3rd. Sreesh Bryeedy and Peter Chang competed in Health Education. 

Aside from group presentations, there were also individual competitions, including Medical Reading in which Devika Nair placed 5th and Medical Terminology and Arjun Nair placed 1st. HOSA member Addison Cuasay said, “HOSA WLC is always a great learning experience for members of the club. The memories we make at WLC last forever and I’m so proud of my best friend Devika for placing!”